2006年には浅草ジャズコンテストのボーカル部門で、2016年には新潟ジャズコンテストのプレイヤー部門(ソロピアノ)においてそれぞれ銀賞を獲得。日本人アーティストとして初、バルセロナ郊外で開催されたBRUCSTOCK Art & Music Festival に出演。
Y. Nakamura/中村優介
Born in Miyazaki, Japan. After studying in the US, he earned the license as a registered CPA and earned his master's degree in business (MBA). Nakamura had worked for a big 4 audit firm, international investment banks before deciding to become a musician. Nakamura won the Thelonious Monk Institute International Composers’ Competition in 2012 with his original composition, “Heavenly Seven.” As a performer, he won the Silver Award as a vocalist at the Asakusa Jazz Competition and as a piano player at the Niigata Jazz Competition in Japan. Nakamura studied composition with Dr. Phil Shackleton (Azusa Pacific University) and jazz piano with Tamir Hendelman (Grammy nominated). Nakamura was invited to perform at BRUCSTOCK Art & Music Festival as the first Japanese musician.